Addressing Common Challenges In
Healthcare Software Development


Healthcare software development plays a significant role in modernizing and improving healthcare. As healthcare systems increasingly become digitized and rely on digital solutions for managing patient information, streamlining processes, and improving care delivery, we must develop robust and effective software to facilitate these processes. Healthcare software systems include electronic health records (EHRs) and other forms of practice management software to allow clinicians to keep track of patient information more efficiently; telemedicine services, which are increasingly necessary for connecting rural and underserved areas to care; and patient engagement systems, which facilitate patients’ involvement in managing their medical conditions.
Even if writing healthcare software sounds great, it does have its challenges regardless of the difficulty of programming in general. Firstly, you have technically and legally complex requirements of the healthcare industry. Secondly, life and death decisions may depend on the correct functioning of your code. Therefore, you should care about data privacy, security, interoperability with legacy systems, and usability of your software interface. This blog will overview these common challenges and provide insights into how they can be addressed to minimize the risk of working on a successful but non-compliant healthcare solution.

Data security and privacy

Importance of data protection

Data protection is of paramount importance in healthcare software development because healthcare data is hyper-sensitive in nature. Not only for providing optimum care but also for maliciously re-using or exploiting, healthcare data contains information such as medical history, test results, personal identifiers, and more. Given the sensitivity of such data, it not only forms a juicy target for cyber-attacks but also severely affects individual lives, ranging from identity theft and financial fraud to loss of patient trust.
Some of these issues can be addressed in the principles and practices of data protection. Data minimization – i.e., the collection and retention of only the data that is strictly necessary to provide the service that the patient expects – is a central principle. Another principle, purpose limitation, states that data can only be used for the purpose for which it was actually collected, and another practice is to regularly encrypt all data, hold it in secure storage environments, analyze access logs, and limit access to qualified individuals.

Common security challenges

Despite all the control over data, healthcare presents many well-known security challenges during the development of software. There is the risk of a data breach: data can be accessed through several vectors, including phishing attacks, malware, and software bugs or vulnerabilities. Data exposure comes with steep costs, including fines and loss of patient confidence in both the trust and scientific expertise of physicians and hospitals. As healthcare systems become increasingly linked, there is a greater risk of breaches between integration points between different systems and platforms that are connecting due to interoperability.
It is important to adopt strong security measures to overcome such issues. Encryption, which encrypts data at rest as well as in transit, is one of the most effective methods. For example, if malicious data interceptors gain access to data, they are still unable to read the data without the corresponding decryption keys. Another important security measure is multi-factor authentication, which adds a layer of protection against unauthorized access. Finally, healthcare entities that handle PHI should conduct security audits on a regular basis to identify gaps in security. This will help prevent security breaches and ensure a higher level of data security and compliance in healthcare.

Interoperability and integration

Need for interoperability

Interoperability – the faculty for multiple systems to co-exist and efficiently interact – is essential as it helps software work with other systems already in use, including patient records, Electronic Health Records (EHR), Laboratory Information Systems (LIS), and other digital tools. To successfully advance toward value-based care, it is imperative that systems can exchange and use information in a smooth, efficient way. This allows for coordinated patient care across different healthcare platforms, reducing fragmentation of patient information and improving standards of care. When systems are interoperable, providers access a single, comprehensive view of the patient’s data, which facilitates decision-making, reduces human error, and maximizes the efficiency of care. Interoperability, for example, between EHRs automatically and correctly updates the record, giving clinicians the current and past information that is contemporaneous with the patient.
Besides ensuring that patient care is accurately documented and available where it’s needed, effective interoperability reduces the cost of care. Stakeholders can minimize the amount of time their personnel spends on manual record-keeping or on duplicating tasks performed within another system. The benefits of closed-loop care – where updates in one system are quickly captured by others and saved automatically – also provide better support to care coordination activities across a wide range of medical disciplines, including specialists in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Similarly, data from interoperable systems helps to reduce the costs of administering appointments, billing for medical care, and trafficking supplies. On the population health management (PHM) side, interoperability makes it possible to combine patient data from multiple ecosystems before it’s fed into a health analytics engine driving policy design and public health initiatives, as well as improving care for patients with chronic conditions.

Integration challenges

Yet the more important interoperability becomes, the greater the integration challenges are: legacy systems, in particular, pose significant problems for achieving integration. Many healthcare organizations continue to rely on decades-old software and infrastructure, and technical hurdles will be harder to overcome where outdated formats, protocols, and interfaces remain or where there is limited vendor support for modern interfaces. Such historic incompatibilities are common in existing hardware and software; they can also pose hurdles around data governance, creating challenges around synchronizing information sharing relating to patient privacy issues. Often, addressing such challenges requires costly system upgrades or the construction of custom interfaces that can bridge the divide between legacy and modern technologies.
System standardization and system compatibility are the second set of barriers. Different formats of storage and different standards can lead to ineffective and inefficient interoperability. In database storage, health information is not often stored in the same way, and the same code language is used. Thus, different forms of EHRs can use different coding for medical terminologies. For example, in the Kenya EHR system, the standard is LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes); however, in Epic EHR, the standard is SNOMED-CT (Systematised Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terms). This causes a lot of time-consuming, expensive, and inconvenient teething processes to realign similar information. To overcome these issues, the healthcare facility will not only have to use standardized protocols such as HL7 and FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) but will have to collaborate and influence vendors to ensure that their systems match and are capable of exchanging information using standardized formats. These barriers undermine the promise of interoperability to enhance healthcare delivery.

User experience and usability

Significance of user-centered design

Implementing user-centered design tends to make healthcare software effective and easy to use, which should go hand-in-hand. When software has optimal UX characteristics, it’s more likely that care professionals, as the end-users, will easily find the information they need to make appropriate decisions. Good usability – where software is designed for the end-user and adapts to their workflow – speeds up the care journey and minimizes the scope for error. That’s not to say that usability is the single most important factor in making software accepted and used by clinical and care staff but it’s certainly a critical part of the puzzle. Good UX minimizes the time and effort – the ‘cognitive load’ – that people need to spend learning to use a system. It encourages quicker, accurate completion of tasks by minimizing the effort that’s required. It also increases user satisfaction and, ultimately, leads to better care and effective use of the software.
Among the most important are simplicity, consistency, and clarity. Simple refers to presenting content in the simplest way possible, that is, by not burdening users with irrelevant information or details. Consistent means providing the same kind of functions and elements in the same manner everywhere in the software, giving the users a sense of predictability in terms of how they can interact with the system and reducing their cognitive workload at the same time. Finally, clarity concentrates on how easy it is to navigate, i.e., it’s all about using labels, icons, or instructions that are readily understandable. If developers focus on these principles, they can lay down the means to support the user in his task and enhance his experience with the software and the world.

Challenges in UX design

Among the various challenges of UX design when it comes to healthcare software is the middle path of both functionality and ease of use. Unlike software for other fields where functionality is less time-critical and not life-affecting, the major functionalities embedded in healthcare software are more human and life-critical. For example, the three major categories of healthcare software include EHR (Electronic Health Records), telemedicine tools, and billing software. The functionality of each category is very different and unique even to users. An EHR, for example, stores a continuous history of patient medical records, including medical tests, treatments, and medications, as well as describing issues with health and lifestyle, prompting patients to take action. A telemedicine tool could potentially involve remote surgery as well as digital remote appointments.
Billing software, however, could be as simple as recording, processing, and storing insurance and patient payment information. All of these features need to be accessible and available, however, without alienating users bearing with the UI experience. In other words, designers have to deal with the challenge of squeezing a wide variety of time-critical and life-affecting upper-level functional components while providing clean and uncluttered interfaces that will not affect the users’ workflow of getting things done.

Scalability and performance

Importance of scalability

The ability to scale is crucial because it relates to how well the software copes when usage levels increase, and it needs to grow with the organization. For example, you might have an additional rush of patients or increase the data that needs to be processed in a different period of the year. You might also need to add an extra service or module that increases the load on the code. Software with good scalability enables the demand to increase without having to rewrite the code for the applications. As an example, if someone builds a new practice, the company’s software should be capable of accommodating this increased number of users. Scalability means foreseeing where to locate the extra capacity when you need it and designing corresponding functionality to enable the layout to expand without alteration. It could be that we need different configurations of servers to hold different parts of the data, in which case we should explore modular architectures and designs that facilitate extensibility and interoperability.
Looking ahead from the start, a system with built-in scalability can be adapted to the changing needs of an organization, including new technologies and processes or process increased volumes of data, all without having to rip and replace what already exists when the organization grows. The early preparation for possible future demands also helps to prevent bottlenecks in performance and goal-oriented disruptions while enabling an organization to prosper. With this in mind, software developers who design their systems with the possibility of scaling, of an increase in demand, ahead of time are being farsighted and allowing a system to remain strong and responsive as demands increase over time.

Performance challenges

Performance is a major concern because there are usually many users of a healthcare software program at any given time, whether they be clinicians, administrative personnel, or patients who are accessing data via patient portals. Performance issues that developers should anticipate include latency in response time to queries, in addition to overall performance downtime. Both of these problems can significantly impact the quality of care delivered to patients, in addition to overall operational efficiency in any healthcare setting.
Latency and reliability are important parts of performance management. Latency is the speed at which users expect their requests to be completed or for applications to respond within certain timeframes that are integral to an application’s basic functionality. Latency can be caused by bottlenecks due to the amount of work needed to process data or transport it between different systems. Meanwhile, reliability is about having redundant systems and failover mechanisms that prevent applications from crashing. Redundancy provides application backups by replicating information and providing redundant systems. The development of effective health IT requires systematic performance testing and monitoring. Through this process, developers can pinpoint bottlenecks caused by faulty software design, slow networks, and the amount of data an app is trying to manage.

Future trends and innovations

Emerging trends

Several trends in healthcare software development are reshaping the future of the industry. The first and foremost is the use of artificial intelligence, which is revolutionizing healthcare applications. The use of AI, such as machine learning and natural language processing, is increasing the accuracy of diagnosis, improving personalized care and reducing administrative burden. The second major trend is the rise of telemedicine, where digital platforms are being used to engage patients in understanding their medical conditions and to engage with healthcare providers to facilitate care remotely. Not only are these advancements improving the quality of care, but they also address clinical factors like patient engagement and cost management.
Other recent trends include the increase of AI and telemedicine, as well as wearable health technology and the use of blockchain to securely share medical data. Wearable devices are becoming widely accessible to provide continuous health monitoring, and the data gathered are being leveraged to enhance real-time patient care through the use of AI and integration into healthcare systems. Blockchain can potentially address current issues of data security and interoperability by providing a fairer, more transparent, and secure way for patients to manage and secure their health records and be associated with transactions. All of these trends are expected to bring significant change to the way healthcare software is developed and used.

Preparing for the future

There should also be measures taken to anticipate the velocity of interventions required and futureproof it through continuous research and development into new technologies that can enhance the functionality and experience of the software as well as through skills development within the organization. This can be achieved through offering regular, meaningful learning and development programs and opportunities for employees to engage in proposals that can result in continuous personal development. Another strategy could be building strategic alliances with specific technology partners and industry experts who can illuminate the gaps in capabilities and help access the latest innovations.
Ongoing evolution involves creating a system that is current, incorporating changes in regulatory requirements, new industry best practices, and shifting expectations of patients, and that is sufficiently flexible to update or integrate with future technical evolution to implement innovation and keep the organization current, innovative and able to capture the future space. Changing end-user expectations also presents ongoing challenges that organizations must adapt to.


With careful consideration from all stakeholders and the application of best practices, challenges in healthcare software development can be overcome to produce healthcare software that will support efficient patient care while also helping healthcare organizations maintain high standards of care. The healthcare sector is changing rapidly and will continue evolving along rapid and uncertain lines. For healthcare software developers, careful usage in these four areas from the start will ensure that the sector has the support it needs to maintain the high quality and efficient care it strives to deliver.